If you are obese and have high blood pressure or cholesterol
then there are greater chances of you getting Type 2 diabetes. Type
2 diabetes is when the pancreas can’t make enough insulin to satisfy
the body’s needs or when the body does not utilize the insulin properly.
Obesity is one of the major causes of diabetes. You should eat a healthy,
balanced diet and exercise regularly which helps keep your weight under control
which in turn can stop the chance of type 2 diabetes.
There are many
pre-diabetes symptoms, which need to be detected soon to be able to stop
diabetes. Increased thirst is among the very early symptoms that people with
type 2 diabetes report feeling. Higher frequency of urination, hand cramping or
spasms can also be one of the symptoms and hence people should seek medical
attention for diabetes. If you feel something is wrong with your body and
something is not right then it is better to be safe than regret later. People
who have coronary disease also require extra tests and you should have your
urine and blood tests done to check the PH levels if it is within safe levels.
In order to manage type 2 diabetes and control sugar levels there
are herbal supplements available which are safe and effective and helps
overcome diabetes naturally www.glucolo.com