To keep diabetes under control, it is important for a
diabetic to lower and maintain his blood sugar levels to avoid any
complications and if high blood sugar is not attended soon, it can be dangerous
to your health and can affect the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, retina of eyes
and the nervous system. There are two main types of diabetes, type I and type
II. Type I diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes is when the pancreas makes
almost no insulin and Type 2 diabetes normally occurs due to a sedentary
lifestyle that one leads and obesity. Heredity, stress, alcoholism, smoking,
sedentary lifestyle, obesity and high blood pressure are the starting factors
in case of diabetes. It is therefore important to maintain a healthy and fit
body, exercise regularly and have a proper diet plan.
The signs and symptoms of Diabetes are increased hunger,
frequent urination, tiredness, weight loss, increased thirst, poor wound
healing and tiredness. The probable
causes can be due to genetic factors, consumption of unhealthy junk and
processed food, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and in some cases pregnancy.
One can overcome diabetes naturally by leading a healthy
lifestyle and with the help of natural herbal supplements that are very
effective in managing and controlling diabetes. These herbal remedies are
completely natural, safe and effective and can greatly help diabetic patients
in managing and controlling the disease. Take a natural herbal supplement to
control your diabetes and blood sugar levels and live a longer and healthier