Adults do not have specific diet plans; however you still manage your diabetes through the food you eat. The most common is to having a low fat diet which is applicable for diabetic people. They should take their meals regularly especially breakfast and carbohydrates should be made less because they turn into sugar which can worsen the condition. The other meals should include a third of carbohydrates, a third of protein and a third of vegetables or fruits.
Person suffering from Type 2 diabetes should have a diet which helps to control the level of sugar in the body. This type of diabetes normally occurs due to intake of excessive food which makes them overweight. Diet should include high fiber diet food like wheat and rice, preferably unpolished and also vegetables and fruits low in sugar. Foods that contain oil, fats and refined sugar, cakes, dairy products, cookies, processed foods etc. should be eliminated as they increase the sugar level in the blood.
Practice healthy diabetic eating and still enjoy the food you eat, lead an active life and use an herbal supplement which is effective and safe which will help you monitor your sugar intake and control blood sugar levels without any negative side-effects.