Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition where the body either doesn't produce enough insulin, or it resists insulin. This can result in too much sugar circulating in the bloodstream and this could lead to high blood sugar levels which can lead to disorders of the circulatory, nervous and immune systems. Type 2 is mainly diet-related and develops over time. Have a beneficial diet which should include fruits and vegetables, lean protein, avoid trans fats, opt for foods with less sugar, eat less processed foods. The symptoms are increased thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue and blurred vision; however in some cases there may be no symptoms.
People suffering from type 2 diabetes should not ignore it as
this could increase blood sugar levels that can affect various cells and organs
in the body like kidney damage, eye damage or an increased risk for heart
disease or stroke. It is therefore
important to maintain a healthy diet, physical activity, and a healthy weight;
use an herbal supplement which helps control blood sugar levels, reduce
resistance to insulin, and stops diabetes-related complications. Know more about an effective and safe herbal
supplement to maintain blood sugar levels naturally - www.glucolo.com