Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Vital information about borderline/Pre-diabetes...

Borderline Diabetes,is also known as pre-diabetes, is a condition where a person has higher glucose levels than normal, but not enough to be diagnosed as diabetic. Most people who suffer from borderline diabetes are unaware of the disease and have no information that they suffer from it...

In borderline diabetes or Pre-Diabetes the body is unable to create insulin or is unable to utilize insulin in a proper way... People suffering from borderline diabetes or pre-diabetes most of the time feel tired and cannot do any physical activity...

Symptoms of pre-diabetes

•Elevated blood sugar levels
•Unusual thirst
•Extreme tiredness
•Frequent urination
•Blurred vision

Every person suffering from Type 2 Diabetes has before suffered from pre diabetes... Pre-diabetes can be very dangerous to your health if you will not control it in time... If you're overweight and more than 45 years old you may be at risk... Pre-diabetes and diabetes type 2 is described as a health epidemic in the US…

Some ways to get rid of pre diabetes...
1. Change in diet... (Avoid sweets)
2. Exercise daily for about 30 minutes (light-moderate exercise)
3. Control your Weight effectively...

Glucolo Herbal cure for diabetes successfully helps lower your blood sugar levels naturally without any side effects. Glucolo has helped millions of people worldwide who suffer from diabetes and pre-diabetes... Now it’s your turn to experience the magic of Glucolo. For more information and to order Click Here or visit its website at

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
    Pre Diabetes Diet


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