Thursday, May 26, 2011

Know the types of Diabetes, its signs and symptoms.

Diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate around the globe. Ignorance about the signs and symptoms can aggravate the illness. This disease, if left untreated, causes many serious medical complications and these include stroke, kidney failure, heart failure and many other diabetic related complications. The signs and symptoms of diabetes develop very slowly and steadily.

Here are the main signs and symptoms of diabetes :
.. Increased thirst
.. Excessive hunger
.. Frequent urination, especially during night times
.. Weight loss or gain which is unexplained
.. Blurred or unclear vision
.. Sores and wounds that do not heal
.. Dry itchy skin

In more complicated cases diabetes leads to :
.. Blindness
.. Kidney failure
.. Nerve damage and
.. Micro vascular and macro vascular diseases. Micro vascular disease are related to small blood vessels.
Macro vascular diseases are related to arteries i.e. hardening of arteries and narrowing them leading to strokes, heart attacks.

Diabetes is mainly classified into two types - Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes:
Type 1 Diabetes or Juvenile Diabetes is more common among young adults and teenagers. It occurs mainly due to halt in production of insulin which is due to autoimmune system of the body. It destroys the beta cells of the pancreas which are responsible for the secretion of insulin. Type 1 diabetes patients are known to be insulin dependent i.e. an insulin dose is a must.

Type 2 Diabetes:
Type 2 Diabetes occurs when there is a low production of insulin or when the receptors of the cells do not react with the insulin produced. Here the body secretes more and more insulin rigorously and so it develops a resistance by itself. This condition is known as insulin resistance.

The good news about diabetes is that it can be controlled or maintained naturally by taking a well balanced diet rich in nutrition and doing regular exercise.

For diabetes diet, vegetables that are rich in fiber such as carrot, broccoli, peas and beans are good . It is also important for the diabetics to know which fruits offer them maximum benefits. The healthier fruits for diabetics are the ones that have a lower glycemic index value such as cherries, peaches, prunes, plums, oranges, grapefruit, etc .

Recognizing the signs and detecting yourself at your local clinic for Diabetes if you are suffering from the above symptoms at the earliest will help you avoid serious complications. If you want to control your diabetes and improve your energy levels to stay healthy then Glucolo is for you. Glucolo natural anti-diabetes supplement contains the perfect blend of powerful herbal ingredients that improves islet cells regeneration activity and helps to control diabetes naturally .To know more about this reliable anti-diabetes supplement, please visit....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Numbness in feet due to Diabetes......

Once a person is diagnosed with diabetes, the doctor will always advise him to keep a careful eye on the condition of his feet. The most noticeable indication that diabetes complications are setting in are the condition of the feet and then one should not delay in starting treatment for diabetes. Here we will talk about how numbness affect the feet as a consequence of diabetes.

Diabetes is a disease that affects the pancreas. It causes the beta cells of the islet cells in the pancreas to be destroyed or malfunction. The primary responsibility of these cells is to produce insulin which is used to regulate the glucose level in the bloodstream. Without insulin, the body cannot regulate the glucose and this poses serious consequences to the health if untreated. Commonly, insulin is injected to take over this process and the person has to manually manage the role of blood sugar regulation that most people take for granted.

Consistently high levels of sugar in the blood may lead to various complications. In the case of feet, the circulation of blood gets impeded. The high sugar levels in the blood affect the lining of blood vessels making them rough. As a result fatty deposits stick to the lining and leads to arteriosclerosis. This makes it harder to send blood around the body and generally the outermost parts of the body suffer the most. The feet become liable to pick up bruises and cuts and take much longer to heal from these problems.

Over a period of time, continued poor circulation starts to affect the capillaries or small blood vessels that provide blood to the nervous system and extremities of the body eventually causing the nervous system to malfunction due to poor blood supply which is known as Diabetic Neuropathy. The one that concerns the feet is called peripheral neuropathy in which the person loses sensation in his feet (numbness). Having poor sensitivity in the feet makes it vulnerable to infections, cuts and bruises.

Most doctors, therefore advise special care for feet and careful monitoring of their condition. If feet become numb at any time, it is advisable to see your doctor. People with diabetes should also get their feet checked annually or bi-annually to check the sensitivity in their feet and for infections caused by diabetes.

The most important thing is what you eat can make a significant impact on how diabetes affects your health. The first step to take control of your diabetes is to find a diet that suits your lifestyle without ruining your life. Once you follow this diet diligently and exercise regularly, you will not face the many consequences of diabetes. Regularly monitoring the blood sugar helps keep it under control.

You can fight diabetes and live a healthy lifestyle with Glucolo the Anti-diabetes supplement that helps control,monitor and normalize blood sugar levels.It increases glucose utilization and inhibits glucose absorption. Being 100% herbal and natural it has no side effects at all.Use Glucolo to keep your blood sugar levels under control and prevent one of the most common consequences of diabetes - numbness of feet which otherwise is often neglected by diabetics.To know more about how Glucolo can help you overcome diabetes please visit our

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Diabetes and memory loss

There are many issues that people face when they have been diagnosed with Diabetes. One of the most frustrating being - memory loss. Though memory loss can occur as one ages but memory loss sometimes, can be due to circulatory problems and hormonal changes in the body. It makes one feel insecure and inadequate when this happens.

In order to prevent memory loss due to diabetes, a change in diet including fiber, protein and calcium will stimulate blood flow and also help replace some of nutrients lost. Exercise also promotes blood flow. Simple activities like reading, solving crossword puzzles and finding new hobbies helps to stimulate the brain and keep it alert. Many times the short term memory gets affected. By stimulating the brain with these activities, one can minimize the damage that may be caused by diabetes. Memory loss can also be caused by various other diseases, so it is important to have a yearly check up to determine if diabetes is present.

Memory loss due to diabetes can be improved considerably if diabetes is detected in the early stages. Though diabetes is a life long disease, it does not mean that the person has to suffer from all the side effects that occur. Memory loss can occur to anyone at any time during one's life. Though one may get upset, one should not worry too much about it. By changing ones lifestyle and keeping oneself busy physically and mentally, one will be able to lead a long and healthy life.

Diabetes can be controlled with natural herbal products too. Improve your memory loss by bringing your diabetes ordeal to an end with Glucolo an innovative anti-diabetes supplement that controls, monitors and normalizes blood sugar level. It is a herbal anti-diabetes formula to help you manage diabetes naturally and effectively. It is completely safe and has no side effects.To know more this reliable anti-diabetes supplement, please visit....

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.