Sunday, October 31, 2010

Detect early signs and symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes whether type 1 or type 2 have the same initial warning signs that you need to pay attention and receive proper medication for controlling it. Learning about the early symptoms of diabetes can help one fight and control the long term effects of diabetes.

Research studies have estimated that in the US alone there are nearly 20 million or above people who suffer from diabetes.

Below are some of the main signs and symptoms of diabetes

Weight Loss – Weight loss is one of the prime sign of diabetes. If you are losing weight without dieting or gyming you need to check for diabetes at the earliest at your nearest doctor for detecting diabetes.
Frequent urination - High blood sugar levels increases the amount of blood that flows through the kidneys, resulting in an increase in urine levels.
Excessive thirst: Dehydration caused due to excess urination is responsible for excessive thirst
Numbness in hands or feet - when your cells don't get the needed glucose your circulation is affected which in turn causes numbness.
Mood swings: Excessive moods swings are also a sign of diabetes.
Fatigue - Simply put, diabetes affects the individual’s ability to process energy; hence fatigue is an early symptom.

It is recommended that you detect yourself for diabetes at your local clinic if you are suffering from the above symptoms at the earliest. If you want to improve energy levels, stay healthy then Glucolo is for you. Glucolo contains the perfect blend of ingredients which helps control diabetes naturally . For more information visit

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